viernes, 20 de junio de 2008

United Front

United Front Filed under: Politik > Barack Obama > Hillary Clinton


In an effort to unite the Democratic Party, Barack Obama's campaign announced today that he will be campaigning with Hillary Clinton next week.


The two senators will campaign together starting next Friday, June 27th.

The pair will also meet in Washington with some of Clinton's top contributors in an effort to try and calm donors who are still bothered by Obama's presidential campaign.

Few details are being released at the moment, though.

The news did come one day after Obama announced that he would reverse an earlier position and reject almost $85 million in public financing for the general election.

The announcement was received with a lot of criticism.

So, to draw the attention elsewhere, he made the announcement a week early about campaigning with Hillary.

Do U think Obama should have Hillary run as Vice President

Busted. Again.

Filed under: Film Flickers > Busted! > Shia LaBeouf



Shia LaBeouf was caught smoking somewhere he shouldn't have been…again.

According to reports, Shia just couldn't quell his need for a cig while filming a Transformers 2 scene at the "no smoking allowed" Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C.

Shia reportedly set off a smoke detector alarm when he lit up in the men's room. Sources say he endured a stern lecture, topped by a warning he’d be ejected from the museum if he lit up again.

Give up the dirty habit already!

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