martes, 16 de diciembre de 2008

Best Middle-Class Housing Markets

Four years of tuition plus room and board at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y., costs $190,000. It's expensive, but an Ivy League education is usually a good investment. So, apparently, is a median-level home there. It's $179,000, up 5.9% over the last year. While luxury beachfront condos and Rust Belt homes fall into foreclosure around the country, an often overlooked corner of the market is the middle class sector. In Ithaca, it's the strongest nationwide, according to, a research firm that draws data from multiple listing services.'s the same story in Winston-Salem, N.C., Utica, N.Y., and Spartanburg, S.C. Home prices in the middle of these markets are up 3.4%, 3.3% and 3%, respectively. Over the same period of time the national market dropped 16%, according to the S&P Case-Shiller Index.

In Depth: Best Middle-Class Housing Marketshousing.jpg

Credit affordable prices that resisted the boom: None of the cities on our list have median home prices over $180,000, which means prices didn't grow beyond what the core of the market could afford. Often, housing-price growth is the result of rising wages and jobs. In Dallas, for example, jobs have grown every month since February 2004, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

In Little Rock, Ark., jobs and wages have grown every month since January 2003, according to the BLS. That solid economic foundation, especially in an affordable market with pro-growth zoning policies that keep the price of land low, means more homeowners who can afford mortgage payments.
Behind the Numbers

Using data from, we looked at the country's 165 largest Census-defined metro areas for housing markets where the middle 50% was outperforming the local market as a whole. In Dallas, for example, the middle of the market--which won't get you into Highland Park, but includes neighborhoods like Oak Lawn--has grown 1.2% over the last year, while metro-area prices have risen only 0.1%.

Ditto Little Rock, where the middle-class housing stock grew in value by 2.5%year over year, while the broader market increased by a paltry 0.8%.

One reason middle class markets have kept their values has to do with a lack of foreclosures. According to Stan Humphries, vice president of data and analytics at, these markets "are adding a whole lot of inventory--and low-priced inventory," which drags prices down. But since the spots on our list resisted the boom, they are not as foreclosure-rich as places where prices--and mortgages--rose.

In Sacramento, Calif., for example, one the nation's foreclosure epicenters, middle-tier prices are down 18%, which hurts, but not as much as the 30% drop in the bottom quarter of the market.

Investment in condos has also hurt metro areas as speculators pumped money into new construction only to see prices drop and buyers flee. Middle class markets have remained relatively immune to this trend since condo speculation in revitalized downtown areas and luxury developments has been concentrated among those buying in the higher end of the housing market.

"The two markets are not really linked," says Jonathan Miller, president of Miller Samuel, a Manhattan residential real estate appraisal firm. "What drove the condo market was different than what drives single-family homes."

But the stable home values of some of the country's middle class markets could soon change. Now that the U.S. is in a recession, national unemployment rests at 6.5%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, while cities like Detroit and Los Angeles have unemployment rates of 10% and 8%, respectively. When people lose their jobs and can't find work, they tend not to move up from a starter home to a middle-tier home, which could lead to price declines in the very areas that have resisted fast growth. Once people stop moving up within a market, the volume of transactions slows down, leading to price declines. quick divorce

"What's happening in the larger economy is going to seriously constrain the ability of those markets to rebound," says Humphries. "And additional stress is something that some markets won't be able to deal with."

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